
Leonberger Breed Standard

Kennel Club, London 1994

GENERAL APPEARANCE - Strong and muscular.

CHARACTERISTICS - Faithful, intelligent, amenable good watch dog.  Web-footed.

TEMPERAMENT - Equable, self-confident, neither timid nor aggressive.

HEAD AND SKULL - Tolerably wide skull; moderately deep.  Broad not too short, square muzzle.  Slight stop, no wrinkles.

EYES - Medium size, dark with intelligent, good natured expression; showing no haw.

EARS - Set on high, close to head but not too far back.  Wide as long, rounded at tips, well feathered and pendant.

MOUTH - Lips black and well fitting with no open corners.  Jaws strong, with a perfect, regular and complete scissor bite, i.e. the upper teeth closely overlapping the lower teeth and set square to the jaws.

NECK - Strong, moderately long.  No dewlap.

FOREQUARTERS - Shoulders well laid, elbows close to chest; forelegs straight and well boned.

BODY - Slightly longer than height at withers.  Strong back and loins.  Chest deep, ribs well sprung but not barrelled.

HINDQUARTERS - Strong and muscular.  Hindlegs well angulated and parallel when viewed from behind.  Hind dew claws removed.

FEET - Tight, rounded and webbed.  Pads black.

TAIL - Well furnished, carried at half mast, never too high nor over back.

GAIT/MOVEMENT - Strong and firm.

COAT - Medium soft to hard, fairly long, lying close to body despite good undercoat.  Slightly wavy but never curled.  Very evident mane at throat and chest.

COLOUR - Light yellow, golden to red-brown preferably with black mask.  Dark or even black points on coat permissible.  Small white star on chest and white hair on toes permissible.  Hair at throat, on forelegs and underside of tail may be somewhat brighter.

Height: Dogs 72-80 cms (28¾-32 ins) at withers
Bitches 65-75 cms (26-30 ins) at withers

FAULTS - Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree.

NOTE - Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.

Utility Group     A.N.K.C.  ©   January 1998